51 research outputs found

    Wishes For Wearables From Patients With Migraine

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    Migraine is a long-term failure mode, including a risk of disease-related deficits, that leads to social exclusion. The study was conducted among members of the Finnish Migraine Association and was aimed at identifying migraine patients with pre-symptoms and whether they would be willing to use wearable sensors to detect pre-symptoms. The survey received responses from 565 persons, 90% of whom were willing to use wearable sensors to measure pre-symptoms and support treatment. Moreover, the study revealed that 87.8% of migraine patients identified migraine’s early symptoms, the most common of which are tiredness, slow thinking, difficulty finding words and visual disturbances. Most of the respondents wanted the device placed on their wrist as a watch, wristband or skin patch

    Semi-automatic Maintenance of Regression Models: an Application in the Steel Industry

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    Software applications used in the controlling and planning of production processes commonly make use of predictive statistical models. Changes in the process involve a more or less regular need for updating the prediction models on which the operational software applications are based. The objective of this article is • to provide information which helps to design semiautomatic systems for the maintenance of statistical prediction models and • to describe a proof-of-concept implementation in an industrial application. The system developed processes the production data and provides an easy-to-use interface to construct updated models and introduce them into a software application. The article presents the architecture of the maintenance system, with a description of the algorithms that cause the system’s functionality. The system developed was implemented for keeping up-to-date prediction models which are in everyday use in a steel plate mill in the planning of the mechanical properties of steel products. The conclusion of the results is that the semi-automatic approach proposed is competitive with fully automatic and manual approaches. The benefits include good prediction accuracy and decreased workload of the deployment of updated model versions

    Ethical and cultural competence of social- and health care educators from educational institutions : Cross-sectional study

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    Background: The international mobility has increased cultural diversity in social- and health care. As such, ethical and cultural competence is an essential skill among educators. They are promoting the ethical and cultural competence and professional growth of students with diverse backgrounds and, therefore, must be ethically and culturally competent. Aim: The aim of the study was to identify distinct ethical and cultural competence profiles of social- and health care educators and explore the associated factors. Research Design: A descriptive cross-sectional survey design was used to collect quantitative observational data in 2020–2021. Competence profiles were identified by K-means clustering based on answers to an instrument focussing on educators' ethical and cultural competence. Participants and Research Context: Participants (N = 1179, n = 243) were social- and health care educators based at 10 universities of applied sciences and 10 vocational colleges in Finland. Ethical Considerations: The research adhered to good scientific practice. A research permit was received from each educational institution that participated in the study. The privacy of the participants was protected throughout the study. Results: The analysis identified three profiles of educators (A, B, C) based on self-assessed ethical and cultural competence. Profile A educators demonstrated high scores across all three competence areas. Profile B educators had high scores for ethical knowledge and intermediate scores for other competence areas. Profile C educators demonstrated intermediate scores across all three competence areas. An educator's pedagogical education was found to significantly influence which profile they belonged to. Conclusions: The educators generally evaluated their ethical and cultural competence highly. Educators understand the importance of professional ethics in their work, but they need additional support in developing ethics skills in their daily work. Among all educators, there is a need for developing international and culturally diverse collaboration.Peer reviewe

    Social, health care and rehabilitation educators' competence in professional education-Empirical testing of a model

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    The social and health care educator's role in educating future professionals need to be stronger emphasised and deserves international recognition. The purpose of this study was to develop and test an empirical model of social and health care educators' competence in higher and professional education. The presented research employed a cross-sectional study design. Data were collected using HeSoEduCo-instrument from 28 educational institutions in Finland. The model was empirically tested with confirmatory factor analysis through Structural Equation Modelling that applied the Full Imputation Maximum Likelihood estimator. A total of 422 social and health care educators participated in the study. The empirical model of social and health care educators including eight competence areas: leadership and management, collaboration and societal, evidence-based practice, subject and curriculum, mentoring students in professional competence development, student-centred pedagogy, digital collaborative learning, and cultural and linguistic diversity. All of the connections between concepts of the empirical model were found to be statistically significant. There were strong connections between most of the identified competence concepts; however, two weak connections were found, namely, the link between competence in evidence-based practice and competence in subject and curriculum, along with the link between competence in digital collaborative learning and competence in student-centred pedagogy. The presented empirical model can help stakeholders identify which areas of social and health care educators' curricula should be further developed. The model is also relevant for improving continuous education, allowing educators to assess their competence levels and evaluating educators' performance at the organisational level

    Sosiaali-, terveys- ja kuntoutusalan opettajien osaaminen ja sen kehittäminen

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    Johdanto: Sosiaali-, terveys- ja kuntoutusalan (soteku) toimintaympäristö on jatkuvasti muuttuva ja kehittyvä. Jotta pätevien opettajien saatavuus turvataan myös tulevaisuudessa, tarvitaan jatkuvaa terveystieteiden opettajakoulutuksen uudistamista ja systemaattista sosiaali-, terveys- ja kuntoutusalan opettajien osaamisen kehittämistä.Tarkoitus: TerOpe-hankkeen tarkoituksena oli kehittää valtakunnalliset ja kansainvälisesti vertailukelpoiset soteku-opettajien osaamisvaatimukset, ja luoda osaamisen kehittämisen malli opettajien suunnitelmalliselle, uran aikaiselle osaamisen kehittymiselle. Lisäksi hankkeessa kehitettiin digipedagogiikan verkko-opintojakso ja digitaalinen osaamisverkosto alan opettajille, opettajankouluttajille ja opiskelijoille.Menetelmät: TerOpe-hanke oli kuuden yliopiston ja yhden ammatillisen opettajakorkeakoulun valtakunnallinen kärkihanke, jota rahoitti Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö vuosina 2017–2019. Hanke toteutettiin neljässä vaiheessa: 1) Opettajien osaamismallin ja osaamisvaatimusten kehittäminen; 2) Opettajien osaamisen kehittämismallin rakentaminen; 3) ”Digipedagogiikan perusteet sosiaali-, terveys- ja kuntoutusalan koulutuksessa 2 op” -verkko-opintojakson kehittäminen ja pilotointi; 4) Digitaalisen osaamisverkoston kehittäminen ja pilotointi.Tulokset: Hankkeessa kehitettiin näyttöön perustuvasti soteku-opettajien osaamismalli, osaamisvaatimukset, opettajien osaamisen kehittämisen malli, digipedagogiikan verkko-opintojakso sekä digitaalinen osaamisverkosto alan opettajille, opettajankouluttajille ja opiskelijoille. Lisäksi hankkeessa kehitettiin kolme itsearviointimittaria: Sosiaali-, terveys- ja sekä kuntoutusalan opettajan osaaminen (HeSoEduCo), Opettajan jatkuva ammatillinen kehittyminen (EduProDe) ja Opettajan digitaalinen osaaminen (DigCompEduF).Johtopäätökset: Soteku-opettajan osaamismallia ja osaamisvaatimuksia voidaan hyödyntää terveystieteiden opettajankoulutuksen opetussuunnitelmien uudistamisessa valtakunnallisesti, ja yhteisopetuksen ja ristiinopiskelun kehittämisessä terveystieteiden opettajankoulutuksessa. Opettajien osaamisen kehittämismallissa kuvataan monitasoinen lähestymistapa, jonka pohjalta opettajien osaamisen kehittäminen tapahtuu opettajankoulutuksessa, koulutuspoliittisessa päätöksenteossa, koulutusorganisaatioiden strategisella tasolla, opettajien osaamisen lähijohtamisessa sekä yksittäisten opettajien ja opettajatiimien osaamista kehittävässä toiminnassa.</p

    Utilizing similarity information in industrial applications

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    Abstract The amount of digital data surrounding us has exploded within the past years. In industry, data are gathered from different production phases with the intent to use the data to improve the overall manufacturing process. However, management and utilization of these huge data sets is not straightforward. Thus, a computer-driven approach called data mining has become an attractive research area. Using data mining methods, new and useful information can be extracted from enormous data sets. In this thesis, diverse industrial problems are approached using data mining methods based on similarity. Similarity information is shown to give an additional advantage in different phases of manufacturing. Similarity information is utilized with smaller-scale problems, but also in a broader perspective when aiming to improve the whole manufacturing process. Different ways of utilizing similarity are also introduced. Methods are chosen to emphasize the similarity aspect; some of the methods rely entirely on similarity information, while other methods just preserve similarity information as a result. The actual problems covered in this thesis are from quality control, process monitoring, improvement of manufacturing efficiency and model maintenance. They are real-world problems from two different application areas: spot welding and steel manufacturing. Thus, this thesis clearly shows how the industry can benefit from the presented data mining methods